Post a Teaser

Yesterday, Julie Kibler, author of CALLING ME HOME, St. Martin’s Press, 2013, invited me to participate in a Blog Teaser.  She said I had to do this: 1.  Go to the 77th page of your book. 2.  Count down 7 lines. 3.  Copy the 7 sentences that follow, and post them. 4.  Tag 7 other authors. So, here goes with …

Fixin’ to be Texan

I’ve lived in Texas for a couple of years now. But some days, I still have to listen carefully to understand what people around here are saying. Here’s an example from a conversation I could have overheard in the grocery store this morning (with a lot of exaggeration): Woman #1:  Boy hidy, y’all lost some pounds! Woman #2:  All it …

Seven Things I Learned in Yesterday’s Tornadoes

  As many of you know, the DFW area got a little wild yesterday with sudden (and multiple) twisters that had some of us running for our storm rooms. Like most traumatic experiences, the unexpected weather held a few lessons. Here are seven ways I was educated: A writer should take a shower every morning, just in case she finds …

Mothering Can be a Dirty Job

Our family recently celebrated a milestone, our baby grandson’s first birthday. Watching my son and his sweet wife parent that tiny boy over these past months has brought such joy, and rekindled so many memories of my own early days as a mother. One in particular. One afternoon, my boys took an extended nap which allowed me wonderful time to …

The Other Woman

Early in our dating relationship, a spunky redhead set her eyes on my new boyfriend. Despite assurances from Allen that he only had eyes for me, that green monster called jealousy still bit . . . hard. I won’t go into how I wrestled that monster to the ground (my jealousy, not the redhead), but somehow I held onto my …