
Last week, I watched the Disney movie BAMBI with my grandson for a second time. When we viewed the movie initially, my little Peanut was extremely worried about the “humans in the forest” and what happened to Bambi’s mother. This time, he giggled out loud at the “twitterpating” scene. He’s a little older now and understands the concept of romance. …

Tiffany Girl Release

BREAKING NEWS! My friend, bestselling author DEEANNE GIST just alerted me that she’s marking the release of her new book TIFFANY GIRL (ordering my copy now, btw) by giving away a plush bathrobe, designer bubblebath, and cool reading caddy for the bathtub. ($100 value) I SO WANT THAT READING CADDY!!!!! You too?  Order your’s by clicking HERE. How does a …

A Fun Contest!

I love many things about being an author. High on the list is connecting with other great authors. Here are two of my favorites. Victoria Bylin and Melissa Tagg write for Bethany House, a sister imprint under Baker Publishing Group (I write for Revell). As soon as I learned about Victoria’s TOGETHER WITH YOU and Melissa’s FROM THE START, I …


I am writing to meet a deadline these days, which means I often spend ten to twelve hours parked in front of my computer with my fingers on the keyboard. I’m not complaining. I adore my writing career and nothing is more fun than watching a story form and take off. That said, the physical act of all those hours …

A Little About Fathers

March 27 is always a poignant anniversary. It was Easter Sunday morning the year my sister and I learned the heartbreaking news our dad had suffered a sudden heart attack and was no longer with us. The news dropped me to my knees. My dad shaped who I am. He instilled in me the belief I can do anything I …

My Friend, Kristi

Over our many years of marriage, I’ve often warned my husband not to give me cash for my birthday, or for Christmas. You see, I hold fast to the belief that gifts are to represent the giver’s careful choice of something special. To me, cash is just a lazy way of meeting an obligation. Unfortunate for my husband, he is …

Is Paper Dead?

In publishing circles, there is much discussion about the onset of e-books and whether or not Kindle reading will soon replace holding a physical book in your hands. Great arguments can be made on both sides, and sometimes emotions can get fired up in the process, especially if the conversation drifts into the effect Amazon and e-books have had on …

Bad Bosses

This is the image of an easily recognizable celebrity, Sharon Stone. When writing WHERE RIVERS PART I used this photo while imagining the character, Alexa Carmichael, the once beautiful, but aging woman executive who came up through the ranks when women often hit a glass ceiling. Think of the woman in The Devil Wears Prada…..failed marriages and family life in …

Welcome Suzanne Woods Fisher

I am a die-hard women’s fiction fan, but every once in a while I venture beyond my favorite genre and read something very untypical for me. A while back, I was having lunch with my publicist and she recommended another author–someone who also writes for my publishing house. That led me to look up and connect with Suzanne Woods Fisher, …