The biggest joys of my entire life were the mornings I birthed my baby boys. After months of wearing maternity clothes, doctor appointments, baby showers and reading stacks of parenting books . . . the big days finally arrived. Contractions turned to holding my sweet infants in my arms. Nothing on earth compared! While I very much anticipated holding my …
When a Writer Cooks Breakfast
“Honey, do you want your egg yolks yellow as the sun and flowing like a river? Or, would you prefer your breakfast scrambled with emotion, clinging to a plate of security?” Husband grunts from behind newspaper. “If I had more time, I’d grapple with a richly complex frittata, ripe with contradictions where strong-willed yolks unite with timid artichoke and …
Publishing – A Big Gamble?
According to the news, masses are running to their local grocery stores and gas stations to purchase tickets for the Mega Millions Lottery, hoping for a big win. I understand. The idea of sudden wealth is intoxicating. So is hitting it big in the publishing world. I admit watching The Hunger Games phenomenon and having major author envy. What would …