Last week, I watched the Disney movie BAMBI with my grandson for a second time. When we viewed the movie initially, my little Peanut was extremely worried about the “humans in the forest” and what happened to Bambi’s mother.
This time, he giggled out loud at the “twitterpating” scene. He’s a little older now and understands the concept of romance. In fact, he wanted to watch that scene over and over and then turned and asked if me and Papa were twitterpated. I assured him we were!
Isn’t it fascinating how fascinated we all are by the concept of falling in love?
My upcoming release A REASON TO STAY explores how a couple’s relationship can get knicked by life and how differences and misunderstandings can threaten a marriage. Any couple married very long can attest to how “becoming one” is not all that easy. Somehow the early twitterpated feeling wears off and then the real work begins.
This story is a testament to the value of choosing to stay through those difficulties.
Purchase your copy here: