I Love Book Research!

One of the most fun parts of my job as a novelist is going on a research trip to the city where a future book will be set. WHAT MATTERS MOST is the final release in the Texas Gold Collection. This story is set in AUSTIN, TEXAS and features a down-on-her-luck gal who finally lands her dream job, only to …

Is Paper Dead?

In publishing circles, there is much discussion about the onset of e-books and whether or not Kindle reading will soon replace holding a physical book in your hands. Great arguments can be made on both sides, and sometimes emotions can get fired up in the process, especially if the conversation drifts into the effect Amazon and e-books have had on …

Labor Pains

The biggest joys of my entire life were the mornings I birthed my baby boys. After months of wearing maternity clothes, doctor appointments, baby showers and reading stacks of parenting books . . . the big days finally arrived. Contractions turned to holding my sweet infants in my arms. Nothing on earth compared! While I very much anticipated holding my …

Pioneer Storytellers

“Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can’t remember who we are or why we’re here.”       ~Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees Don’t you love that quote? It’s true, isn’t it . . . that well-told stories define us? Much of who we are is formed by the stories …

A Blog Hop!

A blog hop is like a giant game of tag to help readers discover authors who are new to them. For this hop, authors are answering 10 questions about what we’re working on now. This week, I’m it. I was tagged by Christa Allen. Visit her blog to see who else she tagged. At the end of this post, I’ll tag …