Otherwise Engaged by Kellie Coates Gilbert

Old Boyfriends

Hey, friends – Close your eyes a minute and think back with me. Remember that old boyfriend . . . the one you DIDN’T marry? Ever imagine what life would have been had things taken a different turn and that first (or second, third…) boyfriend ended up the ONE? Like you, a couple of former guys had my heart at …


Last week, I watched the Disney movie BAMBI with my grandson for a second time. When we viewed the movie initially, my little Peanut was extremely worried about the “humans in the forest” and what happened to Bambi’s mother. This time, he giggled out loud at the “twitterpating” scene. He’s a little older now and understands the concept of romance. …

First Love

I learned this week the guy who first stole my heart was killed in an accident. Now, before you start sending sympathy my way, you need to know I dumped him. And for good reason. Ended up we didn’t see things the same way when it came to monogamy. Still, the knowledge he’d died made me feel strangely sad. I …